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Prices & Sizing
Below are our latest prices and sizing for Graduation Day and Sports Team Photos (pricing for Student Portrait photos will be shown in that online gallery). Please remember that all photos will be professionally printed on archival, matte-finish photo paper and come with our usual 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
* Wallet Size (2.5” x 3.5”, Set of 4 prints)
* 3.5” x 5” (Set of 2 prints)
5” x 7” (sold individually)
8” x 10” (sold individually)

8” x 10” Sports Team Photos
$12.95/per set
$12.95/per set
$12.95 each
$18.95 each

$15 each

* All of the prints in these ‘Sets’ above are made from the same image number and cannot be split between different images.

Note: Larger sizes and "Quantity (or volume) Prints" for use in your Holiday Cards are also available. Please call us for the latest sizes & pricing information at toll-free (866) 738-5500.

A word about our pricing…
Please keep in mind that the pictures you’re purchasing are professionally taken images, which required a lot of time, talent, expense and effort to take and present to you in the manner we do. Our policy of no payment up front allows you to the convenience of previewing all photos before you purchase any. Additionally, any prints you order will be made at a professional color lab, not through a mass-marketed online digital service or a local, 1-hour shop. Our pro lab produces beautiful, archival photographs that you won't get from your local photo store. So, because of these factors, it is unreasonable to simply compare just our pricing alone to, say, reprint prices you’d pay to your local photo store for pictures that you took. You’re getting a lot of hidden convenience & value in our print prices.

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